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Hi guys, so for everyone who doesn't know me, my name is Fiona Dang. I'm from NYC and I got involved with fashion and Instagram about a year ago :)

I decided to start the first post with some Q&A, so here goes!

1) From @m.eilu "Who is your biggest inspiration?"

_I have to say both of my parents. When we came to NY from Vietnam, I was only 10, we were dirt poor, living with our family members here in a literal basement, life was tough as we were transitioning. We had a much more comfortable life in Vietnam but my parents left everything behind for me and my siblings so we can get a proper education. I started 4th grade knowing 3 sentences in English. I literally came home in tears once because this girl was bullying me and I didn't know how to tell my teacher so I just burst out crying in the middle of class. My parents were the ones who always told me to push on no matter what and to make something of myself, and then as I got older, they pushed me to be responsible for my own actions and be independent (so all that money that goes to my closet, it didn't come from them LOL). So I tried my hardest and here I am many years later in my last year of pharmacy school, all thanks to them. If I ever become a parent one day, I'd really like to emulate their personalities and teachings.

2) @tiffaniquang "What is your biggest dream for the future?"

_HAHA my biggest dream right now is winning the lottery and paying off all my loans because the other day I just started adding up some numbers and I almost fell out of my chair LOL! But jokes aside, my dream is to travel as much as I can, I really want to explore the world every chance I get! It's still a bit hard for me right now because no time + no money LOL

3) @Missmisschelle "What dream brands would you love to work with?" _OMG honestly the first one that came to mind was @zara, if they can send me their new collection every season, I'd be the happiest potato, but I know I'm not big at all so I'll take cheap brands and any other ones I can GET HAHA

4) @5ftandpetite "Who inspires you to be better every day?"

_Lots and lots of people, in very different ways. Like my parents inspire me to be independent, and to be a good human being. My best blogger friend MICHELLE SUN inspires me to stay true to myself and to not change I am just because the majority favors one thing over the other. My best friend from school, Melissa, she inspires me to be forgiving, and to look at people past their superficial layers. Lastly, my boyfriend Anthony, who inspires me to go beyond my comfort zone and try new things once in a while and to be less judgmental :)

5) loveeevan "What's your favorite store to shop at?" _ZARA!! ZARA everything LOL just because I can go from classy, to minimal to floral princess all at once haha

6) @photonlover "What kind of looks are you going for in terms of photography?" _I guess I really love the garden fairy tale look; it's unfortunate that I live in NYC because there are more metals than greens and I've exhausted all the gardens and parks NYC has to offer.

Photography by: @tarif_nyc Dress: FloatingStyle

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